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《Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters)》的刊登是未在其它刊物上发表的原始论文。
《Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters)》是由中国金属学会主办,中国科学院金属研究所承办。
《Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters)》为冶金和材料科学专业技术刊物。报道金属和材料科学及冶金技术领域重要科技成果。
《Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters)》内容包括金属物理、物理冶金、断裂、金属材料科学、冶金工艺、冶金过程物理化、腐蚀与防护、亚稳材料、铸造、金属压力加工、焊接、粘接、复合材料、实验技术等方面。
Manuscripts Structure
Please follow this order when typing manuscripts: Title, Authors (no more than eight authors), Authors' Addresses, Abstract (less than 200 words), Keywords (three to five separated by a comma), Main Text (divided into a few sections from Introduction to Conclusions), Acknowledgements, References, Appendix, Tables and Figure Captions. Physical quantities should be printed in italics, and vectors in bold-face italics. SI units should be used throughout. All publications cited in the text should be denoted by superscripts (e.g. “Brown et al.[1] have reported that……”).References
The references should be typed in the following style:
•For journals: D.P. Walls and F.W. Zok, Acta Metall Mater 42(8) (1994) 2675.
•For conference proceedings: H. Yasuda, I. Ohnaka, K. Shimamura, T. Fukuda and K. Watanabe, In: S. Asai ed., The 3rd Int. Symp. on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials (ISIJ, Nagoya, Japan, 2000) p.647.
•For books: K.H. Kuo, H.Q. Ye and Y.K. Wu, Electron Diffraction Pattern (Science Press, Beijing, 1983) p.90 (in Chinese).
•For others: (Please provide as much detail as possible)
1. S.L. Brown and J.D. Sullivan, Dissolution of Various Copper Minerals, Report of US Bureau of Mines No.3228 (Washington, 1934).
2. S.C. Huang, US Patent US5324367 (6 April 1993).
3. L.H. Edelson, PhD Dissertation (University of California, Berkeley, 1993).
(1) Photographs should be printed in high contrast and clarity. TIFF or JPEG files are the preferred format. The minimum acceptable resolution for photographs should be 600 dpi.
(2) Line drawings made with Origin or Word format generally give perfect results (much better than Excel), so authors should convert XLS files into OPJ files using ORIGIN software. TIFF files are also an acceptable format for line drawings (minimum resolutions are 300--600 dpi, after reduction the final lettering height should be no less than 2 mm). The lettering and plotted points should be legible after reduction (using Arial font, the sizes should be about 26 pt in Origin and 8 pt in Word or larger). Graphs should have axes with proper labels (according to “Quantity/Unit”, e.g., Temperature/K).
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