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From I Vecchi E I Giovani to Pirandellian Correspondence:A Glance at an Italy That Is Immutable in Both Its National and Its Family History

Lucilla; Bonavita “Tor; Vergata”University; of; Rome; Rome; Italy
  • lando
  • landi
  • freud

摘要:The novel I vecchi e i giovani has been the object of numerous critical interpretations,including those of Leonardo Sciascia,Gaetano Trombatore,and Massimo Onofri,in particular.Taking as its starting point Pirandello’s phrase,“la gioventùsacrificata potrebbe dare un crollo a questa oltracotante oppressione dei vecchi e prendersi finalmente uno sfogo e affermarsi vittoriosa”and applying Freudian principles,this work seeks primarily to highlight the autobiographical element that is expressed in the father/son,Luigi/Stefano,and Lando Laurentano/Stefano Landi relationships.


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